Thursday, May 2, 2013

Whoops, I Made a Smurfette!

Blue skin tone, yellow in the white hair to imply filth, and all of a suffen this Howling Hag was part smurf. Whoops!

But she's still cool, cooler than I would expect. I wasn't too jazzed that another Dungeons of Dread thing was being treated as a special villian in Ravenloft. A hag is a good miniboss for our favorite pen-and-paper Castlevania, but I never found the D&D hags all that compelling as monsters. But once I had painted my semi-transparent Bestial Brown onto her white-based robes, I had this looking pretty good. There's a lot of good detail in her various folds and fringes.

Ooh, she should have been green to do a Wicked Witch of the West thing. But that would make her too orcish, this blue was probably the safest choice.

1 comment:

  1. Will, if the hag is Smurfette, looks like you have a mini for Jocelyn!
