Friday, April 19, 2013

Rats are the New Cats

I had planned on doing these rats in five minutes: metallic black basecoat, spots of Tamiya transparent blue, highlight in light blue, done. And the results would have been okay, it would have looked like the prepaint. But I've got a few of the Rat Swarm from Savage Encounters, and I can never from a visual scan whether those are rats, or bugs, or what.

When I basecoated these minis in white, it was a revelation to actually see the sculpt. These weren't a bunch of little blobs, they were rats, with heads and tails and other stuff I had never seen. A second revelation was a paintjob I saw on BoardGameGeek, that used different colors to make the individual rat shapes stand out. Part of me says that a dungeon should have black shiny sewer rats, and this looks more like the terrarium at PetsSmart. But also that looks like a bunch of rats. So idea stolen!

I got out a bunch of greys and browns and went to town, never letting two of the same color touch, and never going into Albino Lab Rat territory. I drybrushed appropriately, and then went back and did dots of red for eyes. Not every eye, just the prominent ones. They aren't perfect, there's still quite a few bodies with too much black on their bottom sides, but I like these rats.

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