Thursday, May 2, 2013

Heroes of Ravenloft, Part 1

My first look at the Heroes of Ravenloft! The first half is the Dragonborn Fighter, the Human Rogue, and the Eladrin Wizard.

I fully support the addition of Dragonborn, Tieflings, and Warforged as baseline D&D elements, but the race doesn't scream Ravenloft to me. The counterargument is that we have maybe six Dragonborn minis, so any excuse to get another is acceptable. This was the first mini I painted in this modern era (defined, personally, as preparations for the arrival of the Bones Kickstarter). This is what I painted on the first night of Painting Club, and I credit Todd with the idea of doing his axe as stone and not metal. He's a little chalky but I like him.

The Human Thief is apparently female, according to her game card. Well, she's got long hair and a "this is definitely a lady that I'm sculpting" chest, but the face and body made me assume this was a dude with Aragorn hair. Well, she was holding a sword and a knife, so I painted her like the Gray Mouser... she's the Mouserette.

I gave the Eladrin Wizard that came with the Ravenloft set to Todd to paint, and good riddance! I was so sick of that mini... he came in Dungeons of Dread, strike one. But he was also the pick to represent Marc's Half-Elf Warlock, Varin, in our D&D game, so I saw him on the table every week for three years (Varin upgraded to a Heroclix mini in the Epic tier). So letting someone else paint him was fine with me. But then I needed a fifth guy for our Ravenloft game, so I took the old prepaint and drybrushed a little here and there. It pretty much looks the same as it did before.


  1. Wow, the Wizard looks good. Though, does the Gray Mouserette have a cyborg eye?

  2. Yeah, maybe, although it might just be the glare in that shot. But I'll cop to wierd eyes. When the eyes go right the first time, with no do-overs needed, it's rarified air. I did a dwarf fighter this week who's gave just came together and it was so atypical, I barely felt in control of the process.

  3. Yeah, maybe, although it might just be the glare in that shot. But I'll cop to wierd eyes. When the eyes go right the first time, with no do-overs needed, it's rarified air. I did a dwarf fighter this week who's gave just came together and it was so atypical, I barely felt in control of the process.
