Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Saturday Night WIPs

Big day of painting: my mother-in-law flew out this morning after two weeks here, and I think I had my paints out before she got to the airport. I finished 12 figures today, all from Descent v1. I did two minion ogres, six minion Bane Spiders, and then four minis that were waiting on more Tamiya Transparent Red to come in the mail: two master Sorcerers and two master Hellhounds. My Transparent Red replaced an exhausted pot, but I also got a Transparent Orange, a new color in my collection. An orange band between reds and yellows in a fire is the secret sauce, it's amazing how much better it looks.

So, tomorrow I want to keep painting. (And I'm sure as hell not leaving the house; thank you baby daughter!) I'm going to have to spray-basecoat more. I'm going to declare painting goals for the month of June, and I hope to declare them on the Reaper Miniatures "Speed/Army/Tabletop Techniques" board as soon as they make a June 2013 thread. My goal boils down to one a day, which is ridiculous; I never have two dedicated hours each and every day, but it's balanced by days like today when I knock out 12. Here's my Goal Pledge text:

For the month of June I want to finish my Descent monsters. I started painting Descent to get ready for the Bones kickstarter, and I feel pretty much warmed up! I've got 21 monsters left: 2 Ogres, 2 Sorcerers, 2 Hellhounds, 9 Bane Spiders, 2 Demons, 2 Dragons. The only thing making that level of production possible will be the fact that the list is 42 percent spiders, and those spiders are going to drybrush up very quickly!

There's a chance I can finish this Descent project, and then I'll move on to the non-Kickstarter Bones I ordered. I want to squeeze the Gnoll and the Ogre into June if I can.

And Wrath of Ashardalon stuff after that... I can be dipping into Ashardalon by the end of June if I make 30 minis; especially if I'm starting 11 minis in the black.

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